Civic Hosanna, Sarmishta Subramanian (Globe and Mail)

The subversive reading of the voice

To Save at Least a Rose, Albert Swiss, Haaretz

Dybbuk: Conversation with Dr. Agnieszka Legutko

Presentación de Possession and Dispossession

Sala-manca on Ramat Gan Museum Symposium

For the Sake of Heaven (Podcast Interview)

20 Years to Sala-manca Group, Jerusalem.tv

“Tearing Down Walls”by Solly Elfaks (Film)

In the Heart of..., by Avi Pitchon

Dubbing the Dead: Der Dybbuk 1937–2017 by Zehavit Stern

Sala-Manca celebrando 20 años, por Chiquita Levov

Book Review: The Ethnographic... by Talia Tokatly (heb)

Toward a Transversal Reading of Art ...., Mor Cohen

Arc Peste Timp , A review of the Dybbuk, Timisoara

Interview, by Lenglart and Gorodenzi at Third Text

Pilgrimage, Dana Gillerman, 23/2/18

Amor a la complejidad, José García Calero, ABC)

Yotsrim Series - Sala-manca

The Next Dybbuk, Eppie Bat Ilan

On the architecture of the ephemeral, Diego Rotman

Interview at the TV news program “Making Order”

Interview with Carmela Taichman, 2015

Heara & Hearat Shulaym (2001-2007, video doc.)

A Home Unfound [...] , Daphna Ben-Shaul

Between Eternal and ..., Yehudit Shlosberg, 16.6.17

Nofim Nifkadim, Omer Nezer, Yediot Tel Aviv & Jerusalem

«Отсутствующие пейзажи», Наталья Копелянская

Paisajes Ausentes, por Chiquita Levov, 8.6.2017


“Diego Rotman brings art & politics to the Agnes”

The Jahalin have their own voice

Sala-Manca Artist Group Wanted to ...., Yahav, 15.10.1

Almost Paradise, by Joshe Logue, Jerusalem Post 27.8.15

Building the Eternal Sukkah, Graham Lawson, 9.8.2015

Jacqueline Grandjean about the Eternal Sukkah (dutch)


The Israel Museum Buys... Shani Littman, 12.7.2015

Home-Performance of Sala-manca, Tamar Rotem, 22.1.2014

Group of Donour buys...Hagit Peleg Rotman, 14.7.2015

Mamuta 3 first years

Between An-sky and Canaan, Yaad Biran, 1.2015

Heara art events Ariane Littman, 2014

The Village They Live In, Smadar Shefi, 20.1.12

Behind-the-Scenes Art, Graham, Lawson, 2.9.2012

Linguistics Affinity to Polish, Ora Lev-Ron, 2011

Israelis will Perform at Tate Modern, Azoulay, 2010

About Blaybn Vet a Vint, Alber Suissa, 2013

Contesting a Tourist Site in Jerusalem, Chaim Noy, 2012

To Be in the Present, Rut Pativ, 2011

Counter-pilgrimage, Yoanatan Amir, 2.2010

Nine to Watch, Sarah Douglas, 12.2009

Sound Stretched to the Limit, Ayelet Dekel, 11.3.2009

Coming the Messiha, Time Out, 9.9.08, Eytan Buganim

Mesjasz Poszukiwany, Aleksandra Koslowska, June 2008

Sala-manca Group, Pil&Galia Kollectiv, 2.2008

Here, will not take place any Biennale, Gilerman,2007

Without Inferiority Feelings, Ruti Direktor, 19.10.2007
Do you love the small Sirena (Bat Yam)?, Aladgem, 2007

Talk to the Wall, Jack Faber, 25.3.2005

To Live in Real Time, Jack Faber, 2004

If you’ll Speak it Will not be a Legend, Sharbit, 2009

Mediating the Poetic of Translation, J. Shandler, 2006

Concrete Response 2, Doron Livne, 2004

Yiddish on Israeli Streets, Benjamin Weiner, 2004

From the North, the Poetry, Shiri Lev-Ari, 9.6.03

Proud Parade, Albert Suissa, 20.3.2003

Night comment on oranges and compasses, Haaretz, 5.2003

In Prince Sergey’s Courtyard, Ouzi Tsur, 26.5.03

The Latest Convention’s Breakers, Pil&Galia, 7.2002

Sala-Manca: Notable grupo de Sudamericanos, Levov, 2003

Imposible City, Dana Gilerman, 25.4.2002

Large Margins, Albert Suissa, 30.8.2002

Future Journals, Yoram Melzer, 7.2002

Marginal Young, Hilit Merhav, 7.2002

Who is Who?, Albert Suissa, 30.11.2001

Good morning, revolution, Yuval Zohar, 15.12.00