Officer Az-Oolay, on the Jerusalem Protest Scene

Sala-manca for (our) Kids [Book]

Possession and Dispossession Performing Jewish [Book]

The Yiddish Stage as a Temporary Home [Book]

The Ethnographic Department of the MoFC [Book]

*Heara – Independent Art in Jerusalem [Book]

A miflatsti yafe vegam dome le tarngegolet

A Kiss in Reverse: A Spit-Act in the Age of COVID-19

Cinema Al-Araquib (short text, Erev Rav)

Hearat Shulaym Art Journal – Issue 13 – April 2020

The Stage as a Temporary Home [Hebrew]

The Fragile Boundaries of Paradise, by D. Rotman

A Tool is a Tool is Rose, at Brooklyn Rail

Attributes of a Hero, Yeshaiahu Rabinowitz, Catalogue

The Museum of the Contemporary, 2012

The End of the Landscape, 2011

Kav, 2011 (Catalogue)

Reshimu, Catalogue

Między Wschodem a Zachodem. Jidysz i performens, 2010

Note in the Margin | Hadas Ophrat Catalogue (2006)

About Joao Delgado, Time Out, 3.2004

Tymczasowe obszary sztukirozwój niezaleznych ....

Temporary Artistic Zones, 2004

Hearat Shulaym 10-11

Hearat Shulaym 8-9

Hearat Shulaym 7

Hearat Shulaym 6

Hearat Shualym 5

Hearat Shulaym 4

Hearat Shulaym 3

Hearat Shulaym 2

Hearat Shulaym Art Journal 1