The Sala-manca group work as museum guards of the MOFC (Museum of the Contemporary). It was a comment on their multitask works as artists, curators, directors of Mamuta and exhibition guards. Suddenly, one of the guards would speak:
The Museum Guard‘s Monologue
“I would not want you to remember me otherwise. Otherwise I would not want you to remember me.
I get close to the large works, closer than anyone else can. In every artist talk I feel I am naked. I guardmyself, I am displayed. I am an artist and a guard. I guard myself.
Please don’t touch the works, touch me
I don’t want to be transparent anymore. I am an added value and I have a story about a guard who was an artist and about a guard who was a poet and about the reverend shnorrer. I have many stories.”
I don’t want to be transparent anymore. I am an added value and I have a story about a guard who was an artist and about a guard who was a poet and about the reverend shnorrer. I have many stories.”
photo: hilla gutrayman