Jerusalem (2019) | Sala-manca
Iron sign from a garbage municipal container at Mishmarot st, Musrara, Jerusalem. First exhibited at the Ministry of Culture Awards 2017-2018 at the Ashdod Museum, January - August 2020, and at the Museum of the Contemporary (December 2020-April 2021). The piece was bought by the Tel Aviv Art Museum..
Iron sign from a garbage municipal container at Mishmarot st, Musrara, Jerusalem. First exhibited at the Ministry of Culture Awards 2017-2018 at the Ashdod Museum, January - August 2020, and at the Museum of the Contemporary (December 2020-April 2021). The piece was bought by the Tel Aviv Art Museum..
Shown at:
Skein, curated by Dalit Matatyahu, Tel Aviv Museum of Art
Permanent Residency, Mamuta Art and Research Center
The Visual Art Awards, Ministry of Culture show 2017 at Ashdod Art Museum. September 2019-Abril 2020.
ירושלים (2019)
כתובת ממתכת מפח זבל עירוני, שברחוב משמרות, מוסררה, ירושלים, 2019 (מתכת חלודה, צבע צהוב, לא ממוסגר) .
القدس (2019)
عنوان مصنوع من معدن من سلة مهملات بلدية، شارع مشماروت، المصرارة، القدس، 2019 (معدن صدئ، لون أصفر، من غير إطار).