Translation, text, and sound works
Exhibited in the frame of “Free Radicals”, Digital Art Lab Holon, 24.2.2007-28.04.2007 | Curator: Eyal Danon
Hebrew to Hebrew translation of ten poems from the 2006-2007 matriculation exam list for Israeli high school students. The poems were translated using Babylon automatic machine translation software, passing through 14 different languages (from Hebrew to German, German to Dutch, Dutch to Spanish, Spanish to French, French to Italian, Italian to Portuguese, Portuguese to Japanese, Japanese to Chinese, Chinese to Arabic, Arabic to Korean, Korean to Turkish, Turkish to Russian, Russian to Polish, Polish to English, and from English back to Hebrew).
Poets: Haim Nachman Bialik, Nathan Alterman, Shaul Tchernichovsky, Uri Zvi Grinberg, Rachel, Dahlia Ravikovitch, Leah Goldberg, Natan Zach, David Avidan, Yehuda Amichai
Poets: Haim Nachman Bialik, Nathan Alterman, Shaul Tchernichovsky, Uri Zvi Grinberg, Rachel, Dahlia Ravikovitch, Leah Goldberg, Natan Zach, David Avidan, Yehuda Amichai
The poems were read by Ilana Zuckerman, sound and radio artist, founder and director of the Metula Poetry Festival
Shown first as part of the project: “The Right to Copy”, 2006, Confederation House, Jerusalem